Irregularities under a magnifying glass

We take every whistleblowing notification very seriously and verify it with the help of our internal Compliance Officer. You can submit your notification 100% anonymously via the e-nform platformWe take every whistleblowing notification very seriously and verify it with the help of our internal Compliance Officer. You can submit your notification 100% anonymously via the e-nform platform


After logging in, select the subject of your message. Describe the situation, attach any documents (photos, documents, etc.) and click “Send”. You will receive an ID and PIN for your case so that you can check the status of your notification.

We build our company on solid foundations

We’ve prepared and implemented a Compliance system, which is a road-sign for us in building a solid and ethical business.

We care about our business environment

When choosing contractors, we are guided not only by the attractiveness of the product or service itself, but we also care about the ethical conditions of cooperation. In the Business Partner Code of Conduct we have included the most important principles which should guide our future business partners.

Czym są nieprawidłowości w firmie?

Każde działanie naruszające obowiązujące w organizacji przepisy wewnętrzne (procedury, regulaminy) i zwyczaje, które godzi w poprawne funkcjonowanie firmy i jej wizerunek